Verse Of the Day

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Super Samm

Ciao Everyone!

Guess what?! It's storytime.

Yeah I know.... you just gasped and are currently enjoying memories of yourself, several years removed...

Today's story is about a superhero.

Her name is super samm.

No one knows of her powers, because she is still only learning them... even at this very second.

On this particular day, she stepped outside to enjoy the beautiful day the Lord has made, and looked down to see.... A WATER MOCCASIN.

I know right? It's crazy. But was she scared? Not at all! She looked at it right in the eyes, presented salutations, and after backup arrived with a large stick, she grabbed a shovel and STABBED IT UNTIL IT LIVED NO MORE.

I hear it was a fun experience for her. Apparently she used to be afraid of the creatures until one day when taken to the vampires-in-disguise-union blood drawing/testing center, which sucked out not only her blood, but her fear of all creatures and other such things.... by placing them alone in the drawing of blood.

So to say it another way...
water moccasins- no longer a problem

Anyways... last I heard, she is considering what kind of awesome jewelery or token one could make from two snake eyes.... Hmm...

Any ideas?? She is open to all :)

Ciao for now!!
           -The Red Lady-

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