Verse Of the Day

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Veggie Parmesan

Ciao everyone!!

Do you know what today is?

A day to celebrate.


Because you now have a recipe that has crossed the analytical and specific border lines of the taste-tester known as my mother, into a little known realm of new things she adds to her list of loves!

This is not only a recipe she has acknowledged as "good"...

But she seriously fell in love with it!

Even to the point of requesting it be made again... before another day had even gone by!

Now, you should know-

When I see her bring home a bunch of kale, I know without a word that she is waiting for me to turn it into Kale Chips.

Now when I see the zucchini, hopefully I will remember that is a new sign. And that there must be another  Parmigiano di Vegetale (vegetable parmesan, in Italian;] )  in the oven. Promptly. :)

Until I get to make it again, here is the recipe so you can make it for your family too!

Or just for yourself. Like I said.. it's a day to celebrate;)

P.S., If you want to make this recipe vegan, use a vegan cheese. You should find the rest of the ingredients list falling easily into your happy place on their own:)

 Parmigiano di Vegetale
(AKA: Veggie Parmesan)
Serves: 4-6

2 medium zucchinis
1 can  no salt added diced tomatoes
2-3 garlic cloves, chopped
1 tablespoon cornstarch
Basil (fresh or dried)
Parsley (fresh or dried)
Oregano (fresh or dried)
Black pepper
Garlic powder
Onion powder
2 small/medium tomatoes, sliced
Good handful fresh spinach leaves
Mozzarella cheese (vegan or otherwise)

   1)     Slice zucchini lengthwise, to about 1/4 inch thickness
   2)     Sear slices in a hot pan, about 2 minutes on each side
   3)     In the meantime, combine canned tomatoes, garlic, cornstarch, and spices in a bowl. Mash tomatoes a little with a fork. Pour into small saucepan and cook over medium high heat, about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally so it begins to thicken
4 )     Set oven to 400 degrees. Pour half of sauce into the bottom of an 8x8 glass baking dish; layer half of zucchini over it; place tomato slices over zucchini; spread thin slices of cheese over tomatoes; scatter spinach over cheese 

   5)     Next, lay the rest of the zucchini over spinach; pour/spread rest of sauce over zucchini
   6)     Bake uncovered for about 20-25 minutes
   7)     Add one more layer of thinly sliced cheese. Bake another 5-10 minutes, until cheese is becoming bubbly and golden on top.
   8) Enjoy!

 Ciao for now!

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